Friday, May 11, 2007

Paul is Dead! Okay, He isn't Dead, But Nobody Cares! *sniff*!

I, backinfullforce, have long been a fan of Rudy de Haas, otherwise known as Paul Murphy! Now, on top of the fact that 'Paul' is a devastatingly sexy man, he is also a kindred spirit of mine in that he constantly writes about things he hasn't got the first clue about! His main weapon is ignorant conjecture, just like me!

That is why I was simply *crestfallen* to learn that Paul is feeling "ostracised" of late, what with his inability to find himself on Google, Groklaw or slashdot!

Here is *a link to Paul's heartbreaking tale*!:

Paul says:

If you go to google's Mac only search page and do a search for "Paul Murphy" you won't get many recent hits. Why not?

Now I don't want to suggest that Paul is lying, but I did the search and the first item was from "9 May 2007", which by my reckoning was *two days ago*! Maybe Paul forgot to go online before using Google!

Paul also says:

If you search slashdot for Paul Murphy you won't find much recent stuff either - and why not? because the regular editors have an unspoken policy: no Republicans -and no Canadians who hold right wing opinions either.

I had no idea that Paul has the power to *read minds*! Is that why he wears that disguise all the time? I found a whole bunch of stuff searching slashdot for Paul Murphy, so maybe I've been brainwashed!

Naturally, Paul also takes aim at Groklaw, saying:

And, of course, if you try to search groklaw for my name using the (imaginary) "no:expletives" option you won't find me there either.

Again, I wouldn't want to suggest that Paul is *full of shit*, but an eagle eyed Y!SCOX poster named sba9630 tried searching Groklaw and found:

Maybe because you're an idiot that doesn't know how to do a search? Or you're just lying:

(Groklaw) Searched for the phrase 'paul murphy'. Found 170 items (3.2252 seconds)

(Groklaw) Searched for the phrase 'rudy de haas'. Found 16 items (3.2518 seconds)

Like I said previously: maybe Paul forgot to go online before looking for himself.

Or perhaps he is lying. Or maybe he has trouble operating his computer.

Well, good old biff hasn't forgotten you, little buddy!

Remember to turn your computer on before trying to search for yourself next time, you rapscallion!


Anonymous said...

I would click a few start but can't find any. Biff, your blog sucks.


Anonymous said...

Of course I meant "stars". Still can't find any...

Jahmaputra. Whatever. Sorry, for you I'm DDT

backinfullforce said...

"Jahmaputra. Whatever. Sorry, for you I'm DDT"

I happen to know that you couldn't possibly be DDT, because he's fellating me as I write this!

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