Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I Also Enjoy Calling Amy Sorenson a 'Bitch'!

While I do enjoy frequently calling Judge Brooke Wells a 'slut', I also like to express my irrational fear and loathing of females by calling other women names too!

What better way to help SCO win the case and generate some much needed goodwill than by cravenly calling women disparaging names while hiding behind an alias?

Here I am calling Amy Sorenson a 'Bitch'!:

Yes, or maybe PJ writing another article as the sick journalist she is and pointing to the actual content of the article Amy was referring to to describe some people's over-publication, should not have exposed Amy as either a shamelessly manipulating, lying bitch or an incredibly stupid bag of shit. Depending on whether Amy in her arguments before the Court said "press releases" or ""press clippings".
It says something about the level of arguments IBM nowadays has to fabricate and next rely on.
Smart move, Amy. Smart move, PJ.

Actually, I called Amy Sorenson both a "shamelessly manipulating, lying bitch" and "an incredibly stupid bag of shit"! I should have been a lawyer! ;)

We can't lose!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very useful post. I would love to follow you on twitter.