Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I Call Judge Brooke Wells a 'Slut' a Lot! II

When I said that I call Judge Brooke Wells a 'Slut' a lot I wasn't kidding!

Here I go again!:

There is much more to select and put in context,as BW does.
Question is what makes BW believe that when she completely lost grip of this case, acting like a slut next saves her face as a judge.
Media coverage?

- "Did you produce all AIX related code, Todd?"
- "I'll say this straight into your face,BW,so there is no misunderstanding: OF COURSE NOT! We didn't even search for it."
- "OK, Todd. That's clear. I'll take that as a Yes."
- "But SCO can't do that, BW."
- "That's true,Todd. 'All' evidence will have needed to should have been brought to the table."
- "Don't tell them yet, BW. We have this Randall fellow up our sleeve."
- "Sure Todd, I'll wait."


See? Like how I made up completely fake "quotes" from the Judge and an IBM lawyer?

We can't lose!

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